April's Sacred Gift: Understanding the Pink Full Moon's Influence on Our Inner Journey
Introducing the Mystical Power of the Pink Full Moon
I cannot help but be captivated by the mystical power of the Pink Full Moon. This unique celestial event occurs only once a year, and its soft p...

How to Improve Intuition and Psychic Abilities
When you hear words like “psychic” or “clairvoyant”, you probably think of a lady with a crystal ball or some tarot cards and magic powers to predict the future. And whether you believe it or not, ...

4 Signs You’re Young At Heart
Are you one of the lucky ones who stay young at heart? Find out here!

Secrets Of The Full Moon
FULL MOON... A unique natural phenomenon.
According to many ancient mystics, the moon has strong energy.
So powerful, it can change your life.
This may be science's most well-kept secret.

What Is The Right Crystal For You?
Unconditional love?
Meet the crystal of love, Rose Quartz...
• Restores trust and harmony
• Positively impacts all kinds of relationships
• Enhances self-l...

How To Authentically Express Yourself
There are times when expressing our true self is difficult. We experience situations that make it hard for us to show who we truly are.

The Power of Affirmations
Have you ever tried affirmations?
If you haven’t, now is the best time to learn.

3 Ways to Keep Positivity Alive in Your Life
3 Ways to Keep Positivity Alive in Your Life
They say the best thing you can wear is a smile. Here are some things you can do to put more flavor in your life and keep the positivity pumping!

I Cleansed My Aura In 10 Easy Ways! Pro Tip: It's All About Positive Energy
Just like our skin, our aura gets dirty after sometime of getting exposed to negative energy from the environment, and people. Luckily, positive energy can clean up the bulk of negative energy you ...