Ocean Jasper draws its soothing power from the element of Water. It is a stone of strength and renewal with a slow, steady frequency and deep circular energy that embodies the interconnectedness of all things. Its spherical patterns are a spiritual reminder of how thoughts, words, and actions interact in our world and flow in a circular direction. It honors the principle that what one sends out will indeed return.
Ocean Jasper is a marvelous stone for cultivating patience and coping with change and encourages giving service to others. It is an excellent healing stone that encourages a feeling of joy and elevated spirits! As it helps you to release negative feelings, you feel more optimistic. Furthermore, it is an excellent stone to help you if you need a lift.
The crystal aids you to communicate more positively and allow loving feelings to be expressed in what you say. Working through your solar plexus chakra, helps you to enhance your personal power. Once you understand yourself better, this helps you to have greater self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-worth.
Ocean Jasper is a vibrant blue and green stone known for its powerful healing properties. Its unique marks, specs, and patterns vary with each stone. Just as each individual is uniquely different, we believe you will find your perfect healing earrings.
Klanten ontvangen hun bestellingen doorgaans binnen 1-3 weken, maar dit tijdsbestek kan variëren voor internationale klanten.
De manier waarop we verzenden, kan worden onderverdeeld in 2 fasen:
Fase 1: Orderverwerking (Gereed binnen 24 uur)
Uw bestelling wordt binnen 24 uur verwerkt. Het kan 2-3 dagen duren voordat we al uw verzendinformatie, zoals het trackingnummer, hebben verstrekt.
Fase 2: Verzenden
De levertijd is vaak afhankelijk van het land van bestemming. We hebben klanten uit verschillende continenten over de hele wereld bediend en tot nu toe hebben we geen grote problemen ondervonden als het gaat om de levering van bestellingen.
Houd rekening met 8-15 werkdagen (gemiddeld) voordat andere artikelen in de volgende landen aankomen: Verenigde Staten, Verenigd Koninkrijk, Australië, Canada.
Voor de rest van de wereld kan de verzending 12-25 werkdagen duren.
Neem bij vragen of opmerkingen gerust contact met ons op:
E-mail: supportme@anantastones.com
Telefoonnummer: +1 (646) 859-5990
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Raise your energy with the power of healing stones
At Ananta Stones we are tirelessly working to bring the power of healing stones to our day-to-day life. Our mission is to redefine traditional boundaries by introducing crystal stones to our modern society.