The Bold Black Onyx 108 Mala is a stunning piece of jewelry that is not only aesthetically beautiful but also has powerful healing and spiritual properties. This mala is made of Black Onyx, which is believed to help alleviate anxiety, tension, and negative thoughts.
Using the Bold Black Onyx 108 Mala during meditation can help you access these energies and bring balance and harmony to your life. The repetitive motion of counting each bead can also create a meditative rhythm that can help you enter a deeper state of relaxation and focus.
In addition to its spiritual and meditative benefits, the Bold Black Onyx 108 Mala is also a stylish accessory that can be worn with a variety of different outfits. The rich blue color of the gemstones adds a pop of color and texture to any outfit, making it a handy piece that can be paired with any outfit.
About the Item:
Handcrafted Product
Product Type: Necklace
Material: Black Onyx
Size: ~ 96 cm
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